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根据… 《mg不朽情缘游戏网址》2018年的报道, 这是历史上第一次, 医疗行业已经超越了制造业和零售业, 20世纪最重要的就业引擎, 成为美国最大的就业来源.S.”

This explosive growth is a result of both our aging population and our healthcare services becoming increasingly complex. 对于那些对医疗保健充满热情并具有良好商业头脑的人来说,a 医疗保健管理学位 这是通往健康领域有回报、有保障的职业道路的门票吗.

If you’re wondering what exactly healthcare management is (and whether a career in the field is right for you), 然后继续读下去. We’ll break down the two sides of a 医疗保健管理学位—healthcare management and healthcare administration—and then discuss what you can do with a bachelor’s, 硕士, 甚至是这个领域的博士学位.

Whether you are headed to college for the first time or going back to school to make a mid-career change, pursuing a degree in healthcare management can open up an array of in-demand and high-paying jobs.

医疗保健管理vs. 医疗管理

理解健康行业术语可能很困难, 尤其是当你刚踏入这个领域的时候. Healthcare administration and healthcare management are two terms that are often used interchangeably, 但它们都指的是不同的教育和职业道路.


A 医疗保健管理学位 can involve either one or both paths, depending on the program. 让mg不朽情缘游戏网址详细地看看每一个,以及它们所需要的技能.

在你提高病人护理水平的同时,在医疗保健管理方面推进你的职业生涯. 下载你的免费职业指南.


Healthcare administration focuses on the management of staff within a healthcare department or facility. 虽然可能会与病人有一些接触, 管理员的主要任务是监督员工, 处理财务, 确保所有的规章制度都得到遵守. Most healthcare administration positions require a bachelor's degree in healthcare management or administration—or a business degree with a focus on the medical field.


而医疗保健管理专业人员负责人员配置, 医疗保健管理专业人员负责管理. 医院主管, 诊所, rehabilitation centers and nursing homes are all considered healthcare management positions. 这些职位通常需要高级学位,比如 尼古拉斯 or 工商管理硕士. 许多行政职位需要DHA(医疗管理博士)。.

Navigating the operational needs of a healthcare facility and 其工作人员 also requires a general understanding of the services and procedures that they offer. Many programs allow you to specialize in areas such as emergency planning and health information. 如果你已经缩小了你的职业道路, completing specialized coursework while in school is a great way to set your application out from the pack. 如果你还留有余地的话, keep in mind that most entry-level jobs in health management will provide on-the-job training so that you can pick up expertise in your area of operation after you’re hired.

既然你已经熟悉了这个行业的两个主要方面, we’ll break down the different types of degrees you can get and where they can take you.


有许多不同的程序都属于 医疗保健管理学士学位. 有些人更注重行政管理,而有些人更注重管理.

许多项目都是针对医疗保健领域的特定领域量身定制的, 例如信息学或保险承保, while others are designed for students who want a broader education that they can use in a variety of settings. Here’s a breakdown of what you will learn and what types of jobs will be within your reach after graduation.


Healthcare management programs begin by providing you with a strong background in a range of business and healthcare topics, 包括:

  • 管理学原理
  • 财务会计
  • 风险评估
  • 沟通 & 领导
  • 医疗保健政策
  • 医疗保健服务系统
  • 医疗保健信息系统

You will then build on this foundation by developing the skills you will need to successfully oversee the day-to-day operation of a medical facility, 其工作人员, 它的病人.


An undergraduate degree in healthcare management will prepare you for management roles in hospitals, 诊所, 长期护理设施, 制药公司, 还有保险和咨询公司. 其中包括许多高需求的高薪职位. Here is a sampling of occupations that require a bachelor’s in healthcare management.



如果你的目标是在医疗保健行业谋求职业发展, 你很可能需要一个硕士学位. Mid-career healthcare professionals may consider both an 工商管理硕士 and an 尼古拉斯 to help maximize their earning potential.

An 工商管理硕士 is a good choice if you’re definitely interested in management but are not sure you want to stay in the healthcare field and want to stay flexible. 尼古拉斯主要关注与医疗保健相关的业务. It generally takes two years to complete as a full-time student and can be the golden ticket to maximizing your earning potential.


尼古拉斯课程的重点是如何平衡病人的需求与财政责任. 您将学习以下重点领域的课程:

  • 医疗保健运营管理
  • 法律 & 道德
  • 传送系统及
  • 信息治理.

Some programs offer the option to specialize even further by taking electives such as informatics, 数据分析和全球健康. 很多项目,包括 mg不朽情缘游戏网址在线医疗管理硕士学位,提供 转移学分 对于之前的专业经验, 证书和证书, 这使得你有可能在两年内完成你的学位. 在决定一个项目之前,一定要研究一下这些选择.


An 尼古拉斯 opens up many healthcare leadership positions that may not be attainable for someone with only a bachelor’s degree. These positions come with a great level of responsibility, as well as higher median salary. 根据PayScale的大学薪酬报告, 尼古拉斯毕业生入门级工作的平均年薪是57美元,100, 相比之下,只有39美元,学士学位400元. 以下是一些你可以用尼古拉斯追求的职位:



For established healthcare managers and supervisors looking to further advance in the field and make it to the C-suite, a 医疗管理博士 有可能吗. DHA是为那些想要创新的人准备的, 未来健康产业的前瞻性领导者. 课程一般需要3-5年的全日制学习才能完成, 并要求在结束论文或顶点项目.


DHA课程训练你成为一个教育家和一个有远见的人. The focus is on bringing forth new ideas to improve health practices and patient care. 预计将学习以下主题:

  • 高级卫生经济学
  • 医疗保健公共政策
  • 战略变革管理
  • 资源分配
  • 领导策略

Since most programs require a 硕士 degree and five or more years of experience, you will be surrounded by peers with a wide range of expertise that will add to the learning environment.


A DHA will qualify you to teach public healthcare management and administration—and related subjects—as a professor. 随着对医疗保健专业人员需求的增加, 对经验丰富的教师培训未来劳动力的需求也将增加. 以下是DHA毕业生可以获得的一些顶级职位:

图表描述了医疗保健管理,D.H.A. 毕业生


随着mg不朽情缘游戏网址的医疗需求不断增长, so will the job market for healthcare professionals that can navigate and facilitate advances in services and care. These are occupations that entail great responsibility alongside high job satisfaction. 你是否决定攻读学士学位, 医疗保健管理或行政硕士或博士学位, you will be putting yourself on an accelerated path to a meaningful career in the healthcare industry.
